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  • Writer's pictureAndrew Bowman

The Art of Complaining

I considered how embracing parts of my identity that typically made me a target for violence could develop my message for opposing white supremacy. I put on my makeup and heels; when I could, I chanted in Spanish. Though these aren’t the only ways I live my gender, race, and sexuality, they are visible markers with which I could tie my queerness to a march centering race. My embodied expressions became part of the message in the march. Wearing heels in a march wasn’t fun, but the point was finding a visible way to tie my individual action into collective action. I was in an action, constructing an action, with both my and the collective actions shaped by particulars. Thinking about activism, then, is to think about those moments—what’s done, when it’s done, where it’s done, and why it’s done. - Reyes


You're going to complain anyway so why not do it well? Resist the urge to hastily type out your latest gripes on whatever social media· app is in front of you, and consider an alternative approach.

  1. Think of something you really want to complain about.

  2. Communicate your message in a unique, unforgettable way.


  • Spend some time coming up with what it is you want to say and to whom you want to say it. Think about it for days, weeks, or months, and pay attention to the ways people around you broadcast their ideas.

  • Make notes, take pictures, and give yourself time to craft your strategy.

  • Large problems may be difficult to address, but smaller aspects of an issue can be more feasible. How does a widespread problem manifest itself in a given community? What is it that you, in particular, are able to see that others might not?

  • Try it out. Find test audiences who will give you an ho.nest opinion. If

  • it doesn't strike a chord, try something else.

  • Be funny. If you can make someone who disagrees with you laugh, it might just be your opportunity to penetrate their consciousness.

  • Consider both physical and virtual spaces to present your complaint. It can be tough to get noticed on the internet and in a world where people are often staring at their screens. Where are the places that their attention might be captured, and when might you capture it?

  • Complaining is a good place to start, but not to end. See this assignment as a springboard for other actions, making a difference not all at once, but over time.

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